1. Heat Or Cool Your Home Too Fast

2. Leaving The Thermostat At The Same Setting
If you set your thermostat at a specific temperature and never touch it, you could be wasting as much as $180 per year according to Energy Star. Instead, it's recommended to change the temperature setting whenever you leave your home for 8 hours or more. However, it's important not to change it dramatically, as this would cause your HVAC system to have to work harder to heat or cool your home once you return. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to remember to set your thermostat every time you leave. That's where a programmable thermostat can be handy. They can be programmed so it automatically makes the adjustments for you. There are even smart thermostats that can be controlled from your smartphone.
3. Changing Your Thermostat Too Much
A study conducted by GasNetworks found that people who micromanaged their thermostats use more energy than those that leave them alone for long periods of time. That's because constantly changing the set temperature on the thermostat causes the AC unit and the furnace to stop and start back up too much, which causes them to run inefficiently. If you have your thermostat set at 78 in the summer. Your AC unit will run until it reaches that point then shuts off. However, you realize you're still too hot, so you lower the thermostat a couple degrees. The AC unit must now immediately turn back on. Your AC unit and furnace should be running for longer, steadier times to save you money. It's similar to your car's MPG. You'll get better mileage on the highway rather than on streets with lots of stoplights.
If you remember these three things, it could help you save a little bit of money on your utility bills. If you need help with your HVAC system at the Lake of the Ozarks, Royal Heating & Air can help. Contact us at 573-480-4313.
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