Summers at the Lake of the Ozarks can often be hot and humid. With the high levels of humidity that tend to coincide with the heat of summer, can come several discomforts within your home. One of the larger issues that can surface during the hot summer months is that high humidity levels in your home can contribute to mold growth in your
Lake of the Ozarks HVAC system. Humidity can have a big effect on your overall indoor air quality, which in turn can affect your entire family. In addition to having a properly running
Lake of the Ozarks air conditioning unit, it is often recommended that you invest in a dehumidifier, to improve and maintain a proper level of humidity in your home. Your
HVAC company at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to give you a few reasons that investing in a dehumidifier could be a wise choice this summer.
Benefits of a Dehumidifier:

When you live in a humid environment, allergies and overall respiratory health issues are common. Small living spaces with limited ventilation, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements are common areas where moisture from the air can build up and cause problems. Dehumidifiers are not disruptive to your daily life – they run quietly and efficiently in the background but provide great benefits for you and your family members. Overall cleaner air in your home means better overall health and comfort for your family. Here are a few benefits of adding a dehumidifier to your home.
Allergen Reduction
Dehumidifiers reduce humidity levels. When the air inside your home is overly muggy in the summer months, it could be a sign that dirty, moist air is finding its way into your home. When your home has the proper humidity level, it is less hospitable to allergens such as dust mites, mold, and mildew. Dehumidifiers reduce irritation to your skin and your respiratory system, allowing you to breathe easier and feel comfortable in your home.
Dehumidifiers can keep your home feeling clean and fresh, as they also reduce the odors that are associated with the allergens mentioned above. They can get rid of that musty or rotting smell that is often associated with moisture and mildew growth. And with less dust in the air, you won’t have to clean as often!
Mold Growth Prevention
A dehumidifier helps keep the moisture levels in your home low. Excessive moisture (that often occurs during the humid summer months) increases condensation on windows and walls, which leads to mold growth and has the potential to damage your home and your health. Moisture is required for mold to thrive; therefore, keeping your home at the proper humidity level is key in mold prevention. Using a dehumidifier reduces the possibility that mold will develop in your home on the walls, your furniture, your clothes, etc. Mold can also develop in your air conditioning system, so lowering the humidity levels can prevent that from happening and prevent you from breathing in contaminated air. Too much moisture in the air causes your nasal passages and skin to become irritated. Removing the excessive moisture reduces the chance of these problems and helps you sleep better at night. Less mold and mildew in your home can equal better overall health for your family, and less chance of structural damage due to moisture build-up.

Lower Energy Costs
Dehumidifiers can aid in lowering your energy costs because they help your air conditioner run more efficiently. When the air is more humid, the AC unit must not only cool the air, but also remove moisture, which means it has to work harder. When your AC system is working harder to cool your home, it can cause your air conditioning system to wear out sooner, meaning you will need to replace and repair it more often. Also, when humidity levels are high, it can make the air in your home feel warmer than it really is. This may cause you to turn your cooling system up, which in turn increases your energy consumption and raises your energy costs. By ensuring your home has the proper humidity level, you can reduce the amount of energy use and keep your air conditioning system working at a steady pace. This can save you money in energy and repair costs.
Signs You May Need a Dehumidifier:
If you are wondering whether you should invest in a dehumidifier, consider the following:
If you tend to suffer from allergies, a dehumidifier could help you feel more comfortable in your home. If you live in a small apartment, or if your home has poor ventilation, a dehumidifier could be just the thing to help alleviate that stuffy feeling that high levels of humidity can cause in small spaces. Mold and mildew spores can travel through ventilation systems and build up in the walls between apartments. In addition, if you see signs of high humidity levels in your home, you might want to invest in a dehumidifier. These signs can include water stains on the walls or ceilings, moist and heavy air in rooms with poor ventilation (such as bathrooms), frequent condensation on windows, small black spots growing on walls or in bathtubs, and musty or mildew smells.
Your AC unit and dehumidifier work together to keep your indoor air quality at its best, helping you and your family remain healthy and happy in your home. If you're experiencing any cooling issues in your home, contact the
best HVAC company at the Lake of the Ozarks for
professional air conditioning services and maintenance.
Be sure to have your HVAC system serviced regularly by a
professional HVAC company at the Lake of the Ozarks. Not only does this ensure your system is performing at its optimal efficiency, making it last longer, but it will help prevent mold growth, and allow you to better assess your need for a dehumidifier this summer. Your HVAC contractor will be able to see if there's any excess moisture in your system and help you remedy the situation. The best way to prevent mold growth, or any other issues with your system, is to monitor it regularly. Ensure that your home is safe and comfortable by calling us today!
Royal Heating & Air - "The King of Comfort"
CALL TODAY! (573) 480-4313
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