Thursday, July 1, 2021

Having Fun and Staying Safe this Independence Day – 5 Things to Consider during 4th of July

Fireworks are a tradition most of us look forward to every year as we ramp up toward the 4th of July Holiday.  Unfortunately, each year that tradition results in unnecessary injuries.  At Royal Heating and Air, we just wanted to share a few tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe and avoid any unwanted mishaps.

photo credit: Fun Lake MO

Of course, the safest way to enjoy fireworks during the 4th of July is at a public display.  There is a long list of options this weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks.  Here are a couple links that can help you decide which one you would like to attend.

Fun Lake MO –

LakeExpo -

But many people will also do some sort of home display.  When lighting your own fireworks, there are some basic things to keep in mind.

1) Trajectory.

You never want to lean over or put any part of your body over a firework when lighting it.  You should not throw or point any fireworks at another person (or animal or personal property). It is also a good idea to wear eye protection and especially for children to also wear ear protection.  Standard ear plugs and safety glasses are fine.

It is dangerous to use metal or glass containers to shoot fireworks from because if they accidentally explode in the container, it can cause shrapnel.  It is also important for all observers to stay back from anyone lighting fireworks, and for those doing the lighting … light and run a safe distance and shoot one at a time so you know everything has ignited properly.

2) Fire Hazards. 

Never shoot fireworks off around trees, dry grass, brush, leaves, or in a way the debris falls on cars, houses, or roofs.  Have a bucket or hose ready just in case, and always douse the spent fireworks with water before placing them in any trash receptacle.  Keep a close eye on sparklers – while they are typically seen as something for the kids to enjoy, sparklers burn at nearly 2000 degrees, which is hot enough to melt metal.  So, keep a close eye on kids with sparklers, or better yet, consider the glow sticks (and necklaces and bracelets and glasses, etc.) as a fun alternative for kids ages 5 and above that lasts all night!

3) Duds.

Sometimes it happens, we light the firework, and it seems like it lit, but nothing happens.  First, leave it alone for several minutes before approaching. DO NOT under any circumstances look down in the tube or try to relight a dud.  If it is something that launches out of a tube, first knock the tube over in a direction pointing away from you and other people, and let it sit for several more minutes.  If it is not a tube launching firework, douse the dud with water.

4) Be Smart.

Do not try to make your own fireworks or modify those you buy.  Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket, the friction or static could be dangerous.  Don’t leave your fireworks debris on the ground after a display. You may want to wait until morning when there is light but clean up all of the trash and dispose of it properly.

5) Be Kind.

Be aware that not everyone enjoys fireworks or equates them with happy celebrations.  Many combat veterans DO NOT LIKE FIREWORKS and appreciate when people are considerate of how they feel.  4th of July is also one of the most terrifying times of the year for pets and animals.  It is very important to keep your pets indoor to lessen the trauma and lower the chances of them getting loose and running away.

Royal Heating and Air is a family-owned business at Lake of the Ozarks that not only cares about providing the best HVAC services at the Lake of the Ozarks, we also care about our community and the people who live and visit here.  We hope you have a wonderful, fun-filled, and safe holiday weekend.  Remember us when it comes to all your HVAC maintenance and service needs at the Lake of the Ozarks.  Happy Independence Day from Royal Heating and Air!

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